NAASC has applied for funding to US federal agencies to support early-career researchers working in the United States. We, along with the local organizing committee in Canada, are seeking funding for Canadian early-career researchers. This page will be updated to reflect any funding sources we have obtained.
Funding Types
- Registration costs for US early-career researchers in accredited educational institutions in the United States (students, postdoctoral scholars in a postdoc title, and junior faculty within first two years of being hired in their first faculty position, i.e. assistant professors in their first or second year at time of application submission.) Depending on the outcome of submitted funding proposals, NAASC will provide up to 20 US Early Career Researcher awards to support registration in the 25th ICAR. See application, provided below, for full eligibility and selection details. Applications due: March 31, 2014.
- Registration costs for Canadian early-career researchers in accredited educational institutions in Canada (students, postdoctoral scholars in a postdoc title, and junior faculty within first two years of being hired in their first faculty position, i.e. assistant professors in their first or second year at time of application submission.) Depending on the outcome of submitted funding proposals, NAASC will provide up to 5 Canadian Early Career Researcher awards to support registration in the 25th ICAR. See application, provided below, for full eligibility and selection details. Applications due: March 31, 2014.
1. US Early Career Researcher Registration Awards: Depending on funding, NAASC will provide up to 20 awards to support registration fees for US Early Career Researchers to attend the 25th ICAR.
- Please carefully read the eligibility and selection criteria in the ECR funding application, downloadable below as a Microsoft Word document or an Adobe PDF document.
- Submission deadline for all applications is March 31, 2014.
- You must receive an email acknowledgement that your application was received to ensure consideration of your application.
2. Canada Early Career Researcher Registration Awards:
Depending on funding, NAASC will provide up to 5 awards to support registration fees for Canadian Early Career Researchers to attend the 25th ICAR.
- Please carefully read the eligibility and selection criteria in the ECR funding application, downloadable below as a Microsoft Word document or an Adobe PDF document.
- Submission deadline for all applications is March 31, 2014.
- You must receive an email acknowledgement that your application was received to ensure consideration of your application.
25th ICAR ECR Application WORD Doc
25th ICAR ECR Application PDF