Information for ICAR 2014 Community-organized Interest Groups
- The ICAR 2014 organizers were requested to facilitate exchange of information between community-organized interest groups and conference participants and sent them appropriate information in pre written essays
- ICAR 2014 organizers will post approved interest group information, provided to us by the community proposer(s), on the ICAR 2014 webpage.
- An online list of potential campus meetings spots (e.g. restaurants) will be provided to all ICAR participants. This list may be useful to coordinate social events.
- The proposer is responsible for coordinating activities and corresponding with interested attendees.
- How to propose a community-organized interest/social group: Email the requested information (described in attached pdf) to Joanna Friesner (ICAR 2014 lead organizer) at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Joanna will follow up with clarifications as needed, and to provide a response, after reviewing content.
Disclaimer: The ICAR conference organizers are acting to facilitate information exchange (i.e. advertising) between participants and do not assume any responsibility or liability for activities that may ensue. It is the personal responsibility of each potential participant to decide whether to propose, organize, or join an activity, or give out contact information.
Community-Organized Meet-Ups/Activities
LGBTQ and Allies
When: Tuesday July 29, 7:30-9 pm
What: Dinner and drinks during informal networking for LGBTQ conference participants and allies, with an opportunity to discuss issues concerning our community.
Where: On campus or close by. Exact site to be determined; information to be sent to those interested and who email Kerstin Mueller by early to mid-July to express interest (
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Contact: Email Kerstin Mueller by early to mid-July to express interest (
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). She will send more information out closer to the conference.